7 Design Tips for a Seamless Website Launch

While technology and content is key to your site’s success, it’s design that draws viewers in and keeps them there.

Question: What’s one design tip all founders should keep in mind when they first launch their website?

A Picture's Worth a Thousand Words

"The best websites tell stories through pictures and video, not paragraphs. Keep the text to a minimum and let beautiful visuals do the talking."

Stick With Clean Design and Easy Navigation

"Research websites in your industry to find a clean design that works for you. Next, you should test the usability and functionality of the website with peers and co-workers to see how to improve aspects of the site. Having a website with stunning visual content and a simple menu navigation will help viewers find important web pages in an efficient manner."

Keep It Simple

"More is not always better. Limit the number of words on a page at one time and instead focus on getting the point across. Most consumers do not want to look at the details. They want the most of the information in the least amount of time."

Make Mobile a Priority

"In today's world, it is imperative that you have a mobile responsive website. If your website is not designed and optimized for mobile, your customer will quickly leave your website and find your competitor. Google recently made mobile responsive websites a key element of their algorithm. If you want to show up in search results, be sure to make this a priority."

Add Your Value Proposition

"Make sure what your company does and the value that you offer is clear from a quick 20-second glance. If consumers are confused, they'll probably think your product is confusing. All the other details come secondary. "

Your Site Is Your Voice

"Within the first minute on your website (OK, more like 30 seconds), I should know who you are, what you do, and why you do it. Make sure the site is easy to navigate and offers the information people need to understand what you do and why they should care. Don’t get lost in the design options. They’re like wrapping paper -- nice to look at but not really necessary. Your message is what counts."


7 Design Tips for a Seamless Website Launch

While technology and content is key to your site’s success, it’s design that draws viewers in and keeps them there.

Question: What’s one design tip all founders should keep in mind when they first launch their website?

A Picture's Worth a Thousand Words

"The best websites tell stories through pictures and video, not paragraphs. Keep the text to a minimum and let beautiful visuals do the talking."

Stick With Clean Design and Easy Navigation

"Research websites in your industry to find a clean design that works for you. Next, you should test the usability and functionality of the website with peers and co-workers to see how to improve aspects of the site. Having a website with stunning visual content and a simple menu navigation will help viewers find important web pages in an efficient manner."

Keep It Simple

"More is not always better. Limit the number of words on a page at one time and instead focus on getting the point across. Most consumers do not want to look at the details. They want the most of the information in the least amount of time."

Make Mobile a Priority

"In today's world, it is imperative that you have a mobile responsive website. If your website is not designed and optimized for mobile, your customer will quickly leave your website and find your competitor. Google recently made mobile responsive websites a key element of their algorithm. If you want to show up in search results, be sure to make this a priority."

Add Your Value Proposition

"Make sure what your company does and the value that you offer is clear from a quick 20-second glance. If consumers are confused, they'll probably think your product is confusing. All the other details come secondary. "

Your Site Is Your Voice

"Within the first minute on your website (OK, more like 30 seconds), I should know who you are, what you do, and why you do it. Make sure the site is easy to navigate and offers the information people need to understand what you do and why they should care. Don’t get lost in the design options. They’re like wrapping paper -- nice to look at but not really necessary. Your message is what counts."

See Also: 10 Simple Ways Founders Can Create Visibility for Themselves

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